Saturday, April 28, 2007

My Blatant Self-Promotion

Okay, so I have an addiction. I admit it. I have it under control, so I don't need help. I don't need an intervention. I'm good...well mostly. I love Days of Our Lives. There you made me say it. Happy now?
I've watched DOOL (Days of Our Lives) since 1979. Sometime in the mid 80s I wasn't so faithful. Mainly because college took up all of my time, but I tried to keep up with what was going on. Now as an adult I have watched solidly for the last 15 years. I'm not always thrilled with the show, like now, but I stick with it. I read all of the websites. Let's just say I know what's going on.
I love talking about the show. My Mom and I talk about the show constantly. She was not as faithful over the years, but since her fav (Another World) got cancelled she has been a solid watcher too. I realized recently after a lot of searching online that there is not a podcast about the show! There have been half hearted attempts in the past, but nothing stuck. There are podcasts about some of the other soaps, but not DOOL.
Here's where the self-promotion comes in. My husband is very active in the podcasting world. He has many shows he produces every week. He does a popular one on the show "Heroes". He's always bugging me to do one. I don't like being on camera. Not one bit! Fortunately there are two types of podcasts. There are video podcasts and there are audio podcasts. Do you see where this is going yet?
Starting on Friday, May 4th I will be doing a weekly audio podcast on DOOL! With my mom no less! I'm not a fan of my voice, but it's better than having lots of people looking at me.
It will be a weekly podcast recapping what has happened during the week and just dishing about what we like and what we don't. DOOL is going through many changes and has hired back many old favorites for a big story during the summer. There has been a lot of criticism lately and finally the powers that be have stopped and listened.
Anyway, so if you are a fan check out the podcast this Friday at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How fun that the two of you can do this together! Unfortunately, I try to stay as far away as I can from soaps. I know I'd get hooked!

12:44 AM  

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