Thursday, October 05, 2006


So, now it is October which means things start getting really busy at work. Since we have a scary theme in our store the month of October is sort of our Christmas. Lots of special events going on. This is when people start spending money for the holidays as well and rare books just fly off the shelves. Yes, I realize that is a good thing, but it makes for a very exhausting month. I have so so many things on my to do list that instead of doing some of them I am writing this. I tend to shut down when I have a huge list of things to do. That's not to say I don't get them done. I am a whiz at last minute stuff. I need the pressure of a deadline to get things done. Right now the deadline is just far enough out, so I don't feel the pressure quite yet. So, the main reason I brought this up is about the middle of the month you won't see me post very often and that is my reason.


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